Press kit: SMILE & Succeed for Teens
Mobile 248-880-5361
Contact: Kirt Manecke
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Smile & Succeed for Teens book

Author Kirt Manecke

Parent's Guide book

SMILE Customer Service book

Author Kirt Manecke
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Author Kirt Manecke
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Five Tips to Help Your Teen Build Self-Esteem and Get a Job
For Immediate Release
CONTACT: Kirt Manecke,
Cell phone: 248-880-5361, Office landline: 248-685-0483
Online Press Kit with High Res. JPG Photos:
Young Adults Face Job Losses Due to Lack of Soft Skills: How Parents Can Help
One in four executives wouldn’t hire an entry-level Gen Z graduate
Milford, MI — A recent article in Fortune Magazine highlighted a growing concern among employers: 1 in 4 executives say they wouldn’t hire an entry-level Generation Z (born 1997 – 2012) graduate due to a lack of essential soft skills. This "soft skills crisis" is contributing to higher turnover among younger employees.
Parents can help their young adults develop crucial soft skills and succeed in the job market with the following tips:
1. Encourage Face-to-Face Communication and Volunteering
Gen Z is often more comfortable with digital communication than in-person. Taking breaks from screens and social media helps alleviate stress and fosters face-to-face communication. Encourage activities like volunteering. For volunteer opportunities, teens can check with local churches, Rotary clubs, animal rescue groups, or visit
2. Support Professional Development
Enroll young adults in soft skills workshops and public speaking groups like Toastmasters to give them a competitive edge.
3. Practice Greeting Others
Help your teen practice greeting others confidently with a warm smile, good eye contact and a friendly “Hello.” They can practice when dining out, shopping, or attending events or family gatherings. This prepares them for engaging in job interviews and with customers. Lead by example by modeling this behavior whenever you greet someone in front of your teen.
4. Role-Play Mock Job Interviews and Career Skills
Parents can role-play job interviews or workplace scenarios with their young adults to help them build confidence in customer service, networking, and other social situations.
5. Encourage a Part-Time Job
Getting a part-time job is a great way to help teens learn and practice customer service, sales and social skills while building confidence.
6. Model Appropriate Behavior
Model correct behaviors to your teen, then let them try it. For example, let your teen observe you when placing an order over the phone or in person at a restaurant. Use phrases like "Please," "Thank you," and "You're welcome." Have your teens try it the next time. This is a good opportunity for young adults to improve social skills and develop confidence.
7. Provide Constructive Feedback
Providing feedback on communication style can help young adults improve social skills and employability.
Kirt Manecke is the author of the award-winning social and career skills book and online course, Smile & Succeed for Teens: Must-Know People Skills for Today’s Wired World. Learn more at Find free resources and tips for teens at
Solid Press, LLC
PO Box 145
Milford, MI 48381
Mobile: 248-880-5361
Author bio
About the Author: Summary
Kirt Manecke is an award-winning author, sales, and fundraising specialist with many years of experience surprising and delighting customers. His book Smile: Sell More with Amazing Customer Service-The Essential 60-Minute Crash Course is the winner of 8 awards. His book Smile & Succeed for Teens: Must-Know People Skills for Today’s Wired World is a crash course in face-to-face communication and career skills and the winner of 3 awards. Both books won the Teachers' Choice Award, and Mom's Choice Gold Award. A former owner of an award-winning specialty store, he lives in Milford, Michigan.
Quote from Kirt Manecke
"Social and career skills are critically important for teen success. Social skills are the number one factor in getting a job, according to Harvard University. Smile & Succeed for Teens is a quick, easy read that's perfect for short attention spans and empowers young people be more confident and career ready."

Video: Presentation at Oak Valley Middle School
Author Kirt Manecke gives presentation in video above to students at Oak Valley Middle School in Milford, MI. He talks about the importance of social skills and providing good customer service at work.
Short Video Book Trailer (1 minute, 20 seconds)
Smile & Succeed for Teens Book Trailer
About the book
book INFOrmation
Smile & Succeed for Teens: Must-Know People Skills for Today's Wired World-A Crash Course in Face-to-Face Communication
Retail price: $14.95 softcover
131 pages
Copyright 2014, 2022
ISBN: 978-0-9850762-1-4
Printed in the USA
Formats: Softcover, eBook, audiobook, online course
Smile & Succeed for Teens offers a fast-track to mastering social and job skills aimed at teenagers and tweens. Winner of the Mom's Choice Gold Award, Teachers' Choice Award, and IP Gold Award for excellence, this success handbook is designed for efficiency—no fluff, just practical advice. Packed with illustrations accompanied by educational captions, it's tailor-made for short attention spans (perfect for teens!).
Check out this excerpt from the book
Author Kirt Manecke
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